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Class etiquette

Some colleagues and I were discussing the concept of class etiquette and how one goes about correcting rude behaviour. One of my colleagues told us all about a particularly disruptive student of his... She is always late for class, and even tries to engage him in conversation about why she is late. She comes in her jeans. And she stomps around with her noisy shoes on when people are in relaxation every time she needs to pop to the loo.

I suppose that as a teacher, we need to decide what the tone of our classes is going to be. If the class is a gym-style session, and noise is not an issue, well then that is our prerogative. However, a large portion of people who attend yoga class do so for the quiet, relaxing aspect of it. These people do not appreciate noisy, inconsiderate behaviour from other class members. I think that all teachers should provide their classes (especially any new students) with a leaflet that clearly states what is expected. This applies to tardiness, to attire, to leaving early and to the nature of the conduct expected while the class is in session.

If a student continues to be a problem, you may want to take them aside for a private chat, offering a few more tips on what they are expected to do. Failing this, I would perhaps ask them to stay away from class until they have had a chance to wade though the Yoga Sutras or the Pradapika. This can have dual benefits : this may enlighten them somewhat and get them practising some of the other limbs of yoga; or (and I do say this all tongue firmly in cheek) they may just decide that Zumba classes are more their style!

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